Monday, March 31, 2014


We wrapped up the Battle of the Books by having a district competition on Saturday, then an all-star student vs. teacher/staff battle on Monday morning. I hope students that have participated in BOB have had fun and read some books they wouldn't have read otherwise. Below are pictures from the district competition and from our student vs. teacher assembly. Thank you for participating.
Our Battle of the Books Champions at the district battle.

"SUPER" READERS - Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Wells

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Reading is SWEET...

Watch how these bees work together to create their hive. 
We can work together in the library to make it a "sweet" place to learn and explore. 
I hope you will do your part to make the library SWEET!

Brandon Mull

We had the opportunity to have Brandon Mull come to our school to do an author visit on Friday, March 14th. The students loved his assembly! He is a very popular author at our school and we are getting a few new books that he talked about at the assembly. If you would like to check out his website with a full list of all of his books there is a link under "author sites" to the right of this post. Just click on Brandon Mull and it will take you to his website.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


  Dictionaries list the words used in a language. 

With a Dictionary, you can learn...
-How to spell a word
-What a word means
-How to say a word
-What part of speech a word is
-How many syllables are in a word
-Whether or not to capitalize a word
-How to abbreviate a word (USA)
-Meanings of prefixes and suffixes for a word

Important things to know when using a dictionary...
  • The words are organized in alphabetical order.  
  • Guide words are used to help you locate a word quickly.
  •  There may be more than one definition. To choose the correct definition...
1.  Decide how the word is used.
2.  Read all meanings of the word given to you.
3.  Imagine a blank space in the sentence where the word appears.
4.  Substitute the meaning you feel is correct into that sentence.
5.  If the sentence makes sense, then you have the correct definition.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014